Friday, March 8, 2013

Word of the Month 00002

So it seems it has been a while since last updating... a couple of years... but hath no fear! We were walking home from school and telling each other about our classes which lead to English class. My teacher has a Word of the Week, Synonyms of the Week and Cliche of the Week (so a lot of the board is taken up before we even start class) to teach us of what to use or avoid when writing. Of course the quick schemers that we are, we decided to take turns at a two-weekly star word. Jess had one to start off with and now it is my turn.

Behold a new verb...

to scupper

(said SKUHP-er)
1. Informal.  to prevent from happening or succeeding; ruin; wreck
2. Military. to overwhelm; surprise and destroy, disable, or massacre.

It does have a noun but it is boring and something to do with drains I believe, and in navel slang it is an offensive way of describing a woman so we shall ignore these. I must admit even so it isn't such a positive word as a verb (very ironic I did pick this seeing as today while I am writing this it is clear, sunny and extremely pool-worthy and I am sitting at the computer in togs) but it does give a certain nuance that may be needed someplace?


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