Saturday, July 30, 2011

Word of the Month 00001

Well, we were making lemonade.We decided that a word of the month was necessary. And so here it is:

Begrudgingly, our first word of the month. tells us:


–verb (used with object), -grudged, -grudg·ing.
to envy or resent the pleasure or good fortune of (someone):She begrudged her friend the award.
to be reluctant to give, grant, or allow: She did not begrudgethe money spent on her children's education.
1350–1400; Middle English bigrucchen. See be-grudge

be·grudg·ing·ly, adverb
un·be·grudged, adjective

We also found a piece of text from a book called Savannah by the Sea written by Denise Hildreth. Featuring our word begrudgingly not once but twice!

... I settled into a nice rhythm of literary life, examining the essence of our humanness and telling its story through the eyes less-than-perfect journeyman. The city had welcomed me. Begrudgingly but eventually. I had accepted it. Begrudgingly and eventually as well...

Now we ask you to use this word to inspire a piece from you...

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